Learning Support

English as an additional language

At St. Andrews Dusit, we fully appreciate that a child’s English language development is separate from their cognition and potential achievement, but we are aware that it can act as a barrier to learning, which impacts current attainment. This policy outlines the school’s approach to identifying and meetings the needs of EAL learners by aiming:

  • To clarify the range of support available to English language learners at Dusit
  • To identify the points of transition between different levels of support
  • To ensure there is a common understanding of how English language levels are assessed
  • To assist all EAL pupils to become fluent English speakers as quickly as possible
  • To develop staff expertise to ensure that all EAL pupils attain levels of achievement appropriate to their
    intellectual abilities
  • To implement school-wide strategies to ensure that EAL students are supported in accessing the full curriculum;
  • To give all teachers training in EAL through professional development

Children who are learning English as an additional language have an ability to participate in the full curriculum which is in advance of their communicative skills in English. Therefore, we personalise the English language support provided to ensure children can access the curriculum fully as soon as possible.

Speech and Language Therapy

Our registered and highly qualified Speech and Language Therapist can evaluate and support with:

  • Speech (pronunciation or stammering)
  • Language (understanding, sentence formation and grammar)

* communication (social interaction) difficulties.

As well as offering 1:1 sessions, they also work closely with our parent community and our class teachers to ensure multiple opportunities to; differentiate lesson plans, coordinate goals and to practice or model skills in a range of environments, helping to solidify key individual learning objectives.

EAL Overview

EAL Policy 2022-2023

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